Can Man Dan's 2024 Food & Toy Drive

December 25th, 2024
Can Man Dan Raises $60,000 in New Toys and 40,000 lbs of Food for Underprivileged Children and Families in Need
Can Man Dan’s 14th annual Christmas Food & Toy Drive raises much needed support for Santas Anonymous and Edmonton's Food Bank.
Edmonton, AB – Edmonton’s Daniel Johnstone, better known as Can Man Dan, has once again come through for thousands of underprivileged children and families in need this holiday season. Johnstone, spent 8 days and 7 nights in the December cold to raise as much support as he could for Edmonton's Food Bank and Santas Anonymous, in hopes of "ensuring that every child has a hot meal on their plate and a gift to open up on Christmas Day.
Can Man Dan started these Christmas Campout's in 2011 as a way to help struggling families during a very expensive time of the year. This year, Dan managed to raise nearly $60,000 in new toys for Santas Anonymous and over 40,000 pounds of food for Edmonton's Food Bank -- both of which were desperate for donations after seeing historic highs.
"I've been doing this for a lot of years now and Edmonton still has not let me down" said Johnstone. "The numbers we were able to raise in eight short days is no easy feat, and all the credit goes to God and the people who came out in droves to donate, they're the real heroes in my eyes... I'm just the guy standing out there."